Sal-Om: Humanity has to hear our Message, so it is urgent to forward this Newsbrief to all the people you know, and post it on your social networking pages!

Mission Of Maitreya's Newsbrief, May-June 2011

Babylon The Great has fallen!

The last sign of the coming of the end times, the fall of Babylon The Great, has come to pass! Read...

Snippets by M!

This section contains comments by Maitreya on recent news items, as well as other thoughts, quotes, etc.! Read...

The prophecy of Muhammad al-Mahdi! By: Andrew Harris

In Islam, especially the Shia tradition, the prophecies about Muhammad al-Mahdi are very important.  Does Maitreya also fulfill these prophecies...? Read...

Problems with our current food system, part 1! By: Noor

The first in a series of articles over the next several Newsbriefs about how unnatural our food system has become and how easily it could collapse! Read...

Islam, Rasul and Nabi! By: Unus

Only one verse in the whole Koran can be interpreted to mean that Muhammad was the last Prophet.  However, in that verse...! Read...

An example of how to answer questions about the Mission! By: Noor, answer by Hosanna

If you are unsure of how to respond to questions about the Mission, this answer is an excellent guideline! Read...

Yoga benefits confirmed by science! By: Unus

Science is providing further proof that yoga leads to many physical and mental benefits! Read...

Feast of Tabernacles reminder and lecture info!

If you would like to attend the Feast in New Mexico, and/or if you want to give a lecture...! Read...

Announcing the Yearly Sabbath (now the Feast of Revelation)!

The Yearly Sabbath is coming up in June, but the way its date is calculated has slightly changed, and it has a new name! Read...

New project manager!

The new Prophecies project will be managed by...! Read...

Calendar 011994 available!

The downloadable and printable calendar for the year just begun is online! Read...

2010 Constant Contact All Star!

Thank you Constant Contact, for the second year in a row! Read...

This section is for the reports that have been sent to the Mission by members and contacts! Read...

The next two meetings will be on Wednesday, May 18, and Wednesday, June 15, at 7:30 PM Mountain Standard Time.  Noor and Unus will be moderating. More info...


Feast of Tabernacles 2011

Feast starts: October, 2011

This Newsbrief was created purely to inform the members and those who might be interested in the Mission of Maitreya of the news and happenings in the Mission. It is not intended to cover a vast array of topics and articles. More...

Make this video viral!  

This Newsbrief goes out on the 10th of every other month.

The deadline for reports is the 5th of the month the Newsbrief is sent out.  Please send your reports to the Mission by then.

You can send us suggestions for improvement, the topics you want to be posted in the Newsbrief, ideas for the website, etc.

You can also send us questions if you cannot find your answers in our website or literature.

We offer a free CD for download (or send an email request for a physical CD to be mailed to you).  It contains three tracks introducing the Mission Teachings (Letter to Humanity, Introduction to the Mission, and Maitreya explaining the Message).

Anyone who does creative works for the Mission and seeks the Mission's approval has to apply for the Seal Of Approval (SOA).  Here is the process to obtain the SOA for your work.

All members and those who Love the Mission are required to pay their tithes.  This Mission is huge and needs many resources.  We are approaching the implementation phase.  If you want to see the Mission to manifest, we need to create a culture of tithing in the Mission where this is done by everyone automatically as their second nature!  With the remaining 90% of your income, with some diligence, you can live comfortably in the COLs!

Of course, we accept
donations of any amount!

You can make donations online or set up recurring donations or tithes.  You can donate even if you are not yet a formal member of the Mission!

Click to donate!

Note 1: After using URLs in this Newsbrief and connecting to the intended sites, if you have any problems with those sites, please contact them directly. This includes sites by members of the Mission. There is usually a way to contact them which is posted in their website. However, if a URL is broken (is not working) or there are any other problems in this Newsbrief, please check our Corrections page. If the problem is not listed on the Corrections page, then we are not aware of it! In that case, please alert us.

Note 2: Share our Newsbriefs on your social networks! If you cannot see this capability at the top of this email, go to the copy of the Newsbrief on our website and use the Share feature there (on the right side menu, below "Enter Email").

Thanks, God.