Online Schedule of Events
(Most are broadcast over our Paltalk Room)
How to Use Paltalk
Date: Every day except Thursdays and Saturdays.
Time: 5:30 - 5:50 AM and PM, US Mountain Standard Time (MST).
Location: Wherever you are.
Description: Attunement and Transmission is to quiet the mind, and in a meditative mood in the silence of the heart, try to become a CHANNEL to transmit Love, Tranquility, Light, Peace, and all the QUALITIES OF GOD into the world. Indeed, when a person be(comes) in tune with God, he becomes a channel to transmit His qualities.
This is a twenty minute practice before joining us for the morning and evening (online) Reminders (below).
Date: Every day except Thursdays and Saturdays.
Time: 5:50 - 6:00 AM and PM MST.
Location: Mission Paltalk room.
Description: We regularly broadcast The Reminder (Invocation) in the mornings and evenings. The Reminder has many spiritual effects on the Spiritual Body (as well as many other benefits, including effects similar to yoga on the physical body!).
Date: Every day except Thursdays and Saturdays.
Time: 6:00 - 6:30 AM and PM MST.
Location: Mission Paltalk room.
Description: After the Reminder, we broadcast THOTH readings. The same reading is broadcast in the morning and evening of each day, and the readings for the next day pick up where the previous day's readings left off. Please join us in our Paltalk conference room for this event.
Date: Every day except Thursdays and Saturdays.
Time: 6:30 - 7:00 AM and PM MST.
Location: Wherever you are.
Description: After the THOTH reading, it is a good idea to take 30 minutes for informal meditation and contemplation of the Truth that has just been read. If necessary, this can even be done while performing your morning or evening routine and duties (getting ready for work, preparing dinner, etc.).
Date: Every Thursday.
Time: 5:30 - 6:30 AM and 5:30 - 6:30 PM MST.
Location: Mission Paltalk room.
Description: Collective meditation is when people come together to do the order of service (5:30 - 6:00 AM or PM) and collective meditation (stay all through meditation until 6:30 AM or PM MST). It is one of the most powerful spiritual practices.
We invite you to join us in this powerful practice through our Paltalk conference room. Once we have a true Mission of Maitreya Center, we will open it to local participants for in-person collective meditation together as well. Disciples are also encouraged to invite locals to come and meditate with them (and us) at this time. You can do this on other days as well, if convenient, without being connected to the Mission conference room.
Date: Every Saturday.
Time: 5:30 - 6:30 AM and 5:30 - 6:30 PMMST.
Location: Mission Paltalk room.
Description: Sabbath collective service. In this activity, the order of service is performed until 6 PM. After the order of service, each individual meditates by him/herself for 30 minutes, in separate places. Please join us in our Paltalk conference room for this event.
Date: Every day.
Time: 7:00 - 7:30 PM MST.
Location: Mission Paltalk room.
Description: We broadcast meditation classes every evening from 7:00 - 7:30 PM MST. Each session is for 30 minutes. They are held in our Paltalk conference room. All are welcome to come and meditate with us in these sessions. We have receivedmuch positive feedback from people who have joined and meditated with us!
Date: The first Sunday of every month.
Time: 7:30 PM MST.
Location: Mission GoToMeeting room.
Description: On the first Sunday of each month, we hold a live "synthesis session" in our Paltalk room. In these synthesis sessions, the group chooses a portion of Maitreya's Teachings to read and actively discuss in order to collaboratively come to a better understanding (a "synthesis") of its depth and meaning. For more information, please listen to the introduction/discussion and the first and second synthesis sessions held at the 2017 Feast of Tabernacles.