The Greatest Invocation The Reminder
(read the essay by Maitreya about it in THOTH)
1 - We pay our salutations to The Divine Father, who has helped all come from ignorance to the path of enlightenment. Ignorance is the state of unawareness of the reality behind this universe, and enlightenment is the state of Pure Consciousness.
2a - We open our hearts to Your Grace and pray for Your Guidance in overcoming the power of the tama guna over our souls
2b - and detaching ourselves from Maya.
3b - and eventually Pure Consciousness.
4a - In reverence we bow our heads in front of all those Great Souls in the past and those to come who have helped and will help all to understand Your Compassion and Mercy in Your
4b - Actions and Creation.
5 - We surrender ourselves to You, the Words revealed to us through your Prophets, and Your Greatest Sign which clarifies the confusion between all.
6a - We submit only to You which is Formless, Nameless and Invisible. You in this state unify. In any other state, humanity will be divided. Also,
6b - this will prevent us from surrendering to false prophets and teachers.
7a - However, in reverence we bow our heads in front of all those Great Souls who will teach us how to know You and show us the way to be(come) Pure Consciousness,
7b - as is the goal.