January/February 2011
Everyone can send a report of their outreach for the Mission. The reports are organized into three categories: From Light Bearers (Those who are contacts and are also actively engaged in spreading the Mission), Light Bridges (contacts), and Light Seekers (members). Light Bearers are expected to send in a report for every Newsbrief. Light Bridges send in reports when they have news from their areas and/or outreach efforts. If Light Seekers have something to report, they are encouraged to send it, but it is not required.
From Light Bearers:
From Light Bridges:
From Light Seekers:
Report on your websites:
In addition to sending us your reports for the Newsbrief, you may also put them on a page on your website. This will allow you to add graphics and set formatting as you desire. You can then put the URL to that page at the end of the report you send us.
Indeed, we encourage everyone to make their own websites and link them to the Mission site. This way, our search engine rating will improve, and our network will increase!
If you choose to do this, you will still have to send us the reports to put on this page, and the reports will still be checked by the Mission before they are posted.
If you want people to be able to access your reports in the future (from our archived Newsbrief section), you should not delete or move your pages. That is why we also put your reports on the Mission website, so if any of these actions happen people will still have access to them!
Note: We encourage everyone to send in their reports to the Mission to be added to report pages! The deadline is the 5th of the month the Newsbrief is sent out. The Newsbrief is sent out the 10th of every other month. Send reports to: