Sal-Om: Humanity has to hear our Message, so it is urgent to forward this Newsbrief to all the people you know, and post it on your social networking pages!

Caspian Sea
Click to enlarge!
Do not attack Iran!
There is more to the question of attacking Iran than if it is feasible from the worldly point of view. Both the US and Iran have been chosen for a purpose! Read...

Do we (God) hate homosexuals?
Do we (God) hate homosexuals, pedophiles, adulterers, fornicators, and all kinds of sinners? Read...

Special Feature: Five years since the Letter to Humanity!
We will continue to chronicle the disasters since the Letter to Humanity was released for seven years. How has humanity fared this year? Read...

Rainbow Bridge
Flood stories and the Rainbow Bridge Legend!
By: Andrew Harris
Stories about a great flood, very similar to the story of Noah, can be found in cultures all over the world! Read...

Google Alerts
Google Alerts: A tool to spread the Mission!
By: Noor
Here is a simple tool to help you more efficiently direct your online outreach! Read...
Announcing Passover 011995 (2012)!
As the new year begins, we should again start preparing to keep the Holy Days of God. This year, the Passover is on...! Read...

Additions to Maitreya's genealogy page!
We have found more evidence that Maitreya's genealogy might link him to the Far East and the Chinese dynasties (Chinese Connection)! Read...

Online calendar redesigned!
Ishvara, the calendar's original designer, has sent us a new and improved version! Read...

New Benjamin Creme section!
We decided it was time to bring together the various pages about Mr. Creme on our website under their own section! Read...

Snippets timing changed!
We discovered a problem with sending out Snippets by Maitreya every other Friday. Therefore, it will now come out on...! Read... Possibly helpful site!
This 'resilient community' wiki was in a previous Snippets by Maitreya email, but we feel it is potentially useful enough to mention again! Read...

Using Paltalk and TeamViewer for online meetings!
We always encourage Mission members to get together, discuss, share, etc. Here are two great programs you can use to meet up online! Read...
This section is for the reports that have been sent to the Mission by members and contacts! Read...

Feast starts: September 29

We are a Constant Contact All Star!  Click for more...
About This Newsbrief
This Newsbrief was created purely to inform the members and those who might be interested in the Mission of Maitreya of the news and happenings in the Mission. It is not intended to cover a vast array of topics and articles. More...
In This Issue
Message From Maitreya

Mission Intro Video
Intro To The Mission's Teachings
Make this video viral!

Did You Know...

This Newsbrief goes out on the 10th of every other month.

The deadline for reports is the 5th of the month the Newsbrief is sent out. Please sendyour reports to the Mission by then.

You can sendus suggestions for improvement, the topics you want to be posted in the Newsbrief, ideas for the website, etc.

You can also send us questions if you cannot find your answers in our website or literature.

We offer afree CDfor download(or send an email requestfor aphysical CD to be mailed to you). It contains three tracks introducing the Mission Teachings (Letter to Humanity, Introduction to the Mission, and Maitreya explaining the Message).

Anyone who does creative works for the Mission and seeks the Mission's approval has to apply for the Seal Of Approval(SOA). Here is the process to obtain the SOAfor your work.

All members and those who Love the Mission are required to pay their tithes. This Mission is huge and needs many resources. We are approaching the implementation phase.If you want to see the Mission to manifest, we need to create a culture of tithing in the Mission where this is done by everyone automatically as their second nature! With the remaining 90% of your income, with some diligence, you can live comfortably in the COLs!

Of course, we accept
donations of any amount!

You can make donations online or set up recurring donations or tithes. You can donate even if you are not yet a formal member of the Mission!

Click to donate!
Quick Links
(You can also join by texting
"Mission" to 42828)

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Forward this email to all the people you know, and post it on your social networking pages!
Note 1:After using URLs in this Newsbrief and connecting to the intended sites, if you have any problems with those sites, please contact them directly.This includes sites by members of the Mission.There is usually a way to contact them which is posted in their website.However, if a URL is broken (is not working) or there are any other problems in this Newsbrief, please check our Corrections page.If the problem is not listedon the Corrections page, then we are not aware of it!Inthat case, pleasealert us.

Note 2:Share our Newsbriefs on your social networks! If you cannot see this capability at the top of this email, go to the copy of the Newsbrief on our website and use the Share feature there (on the right side menu, below "Enter Email").

Thanks, God.