The Beginning
The First Begotten Son Was The First Consciousness Who, By His Grace, Reached Pure Consciousness Before Creation (Spirit Of God).
God consists of consciousness (Father) and the creative forces (Mother). In the Beginning when the creative forces were released and the universe was out of control (chaos), God projected His Light into the universe and eventually the First Begotten Son emerged, and there was Light (Genesis 1:3).
This First Begotten Son of God is the one who proved to be worthy through his struggle, won His Grace, and overcame the power of the tama guna over his Soul.
He became God in the manifested world. He became the Messiah, who is One with The Father (Pure Consciousness) and manifests The Mother (creative forces). He is Father and Mother in flesh. That is why He is called full of knowledge (The Father) and Grace (The Mother).
He is then the prime focus for unification and the focal point of all truths. That is why He is called The Christ.
Any manifestation needs a nucleus. Without the atom there would be no creation or manifestation. Every atom has a nucleus. Without the Messiah there would be no evolutionary leap of human consciousness. That is why God manifested the First Begotten Son, and used Him for this important function!
God is in the state of Pure Consciousness or perfect awareness with control over the three gunas in the universe. Also whoever reaches this state (by His Grace) will gain complete awareness with perfect power over the three gunas of his consciousness and with whatever other power the Lord gives to him.
Whoever overcomes will become His son (Revelation 21:7). He becomes in His image (a son is in the image or likeness of his Father).
Such a consciousness is in Pure Consciousness, one with The Father, and the son of God (a god). He himself becomes a center and nucleus for those who recognize the truth (God) through him. He radiates the qualities of God. By his example he becomes the way and the truth, and whoever follows his way (The Eternal Divine Path) will reach The Father (the Truth, The Light).
However, the true radiating nucleus of the Universe and the controller of all is The Father (God), and it is He who unifies. (As The Greatest Sign shows, even in the state of Pure Consciousness, the unit consciousness is under the control of the Father). But because each unit consciousness goes through different experiences, each will become unique in itself as an individual, at the same time be a part and parcel of God (All).
In other words, God (universe) is all, and each individual is specialized through his experiences. God can manifest Himself with special qualities through each individual with different expressions. The total of the individuals (in all levels) with their qualities together manifest all the qualities of God.
Many have realized that God is everything and Christ is within each person. But this is not enough. In order to bring about a unified force to this higher realization, the prophesied Messiah is paramount.
So, although Christ is in each of us, a personal manifestation of the Messiah is most important. The very presence of such a being is a sign of an evolutionary leap of human consciousness.
The other sons of God who reached the sonhood are at the same level and One with The Father. Yet only The First Begotten Son is the Messiah! Therefore, as we can see, although John had great powers and knowledge, when the multitude came and tried to make him proclaim that he was the Messiah, he refused. He referred them to the One who will come after him, who is preferred before him (John 1:27)!
So, even though there are many who have received great commissions, the fulfillment will come when all are focused on the nucleus!
That brings us to realize that there is no one, no man, no Prophet or even no Messiah who is the last one. The Messiah keeps coming again and again and again, until the fulfillment of Gods Plan. That makes everyone open themselves, not only to their own teachers, but to many teachers.
Being open to many teachers and the teachings covered in The Greatest Sign expands your consciousness. This will bring about that deeper meaning of what your own Prophet or religion has taught you.
In The Time Period Of The Last Twelve Thousand Years, The Seven Steps Of The Eternal Divine Path Were Revealed To Humanity.
In The Revelation in the Bible, it is revealed that there will be seven churches, Seven Seals, which would be opened, and seven Angels in different periods who would bring plagues to the earth. All these seven churches, Seals, and Angels are the seven truths and mysteries which would come to the earth. Truth is always guidance to those who are ready and have overcome, and is torture to those who are attached to this external world (plagues).
Each of these Seals relates to one or more religions of the world, which when combined together and their significance in the history of man is understood, then it will be realized that each of the great religions of the world have only a part of the greater truth. They are complementary to each other as none is perfect by itself, and together they synthesize all the religions of the world and unify all under one banner (The Greatest Sign).
Only the Lamb could open these seals. The Lamb is that spirit of truth (Christ) that opened up or helped to open the truth of the seven truths (religions) to humanity, which will guide man to salvation or the state of becoming one with the ONE.
Also, there are seven stars. The seven stars are the seven truths that have been revealed to humanity through Christ. In addition, each star refers to the Prophet of each seal.
The first three of these truths were revealed to humanity before the book of The Revelation. They are: The Far East Philosophies (Mystical Paths), which will help a person to awaken his latent spiritual forces (); the teachings and theme of the Old Testament, or the necessity of the establishment of the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth (
); and the theme of the New Testament, that not being self-centered being humble (
) is necessary to establish such a Kingdom.
As it was explained, sacrifice without surrendering the result to the Lord ( ) can become a binding force in human progress toward complete freedom from all bondages. Also the sacrifice and endeavors should be directed toward the whole universe. Otherwise separation of man from man would result. So a universal point of view (
) is necessary, or in other words, it is necessary to realize that God is everything.
After going through all of these steps, and when a person with all these realizations becomes a dynamic spiritual force (), he can win the Grace of the Lord and reach Pure Consciousness (
) which is to know all, become His son, and be in His image.
This seven-step path has been gradually revealed, each step as one or more of the main religions of the world. The culmination of these revelations as the seventh step is revealed through the Mission of Maitreya, by Maitreya (Messiah). The Eternal Divine Path is the essence of the Spirit (Eternity). It is the Path to salvation, individually and collectively.
So, those who really have faith and love for Esa (Jesus) as their Prophet have to realize, What was his message? What was his mission when he came on earth? If they read THOTH and see that Esa had a special message as the Messiah to come and fulfill according to Gods Will and according to the promise which was given to Abraham, then they will put him in the right perspective according to Gods Will.
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