The Message
The Symbol Of Christianity Is The Cross (), The Third Seal In The Greatest Sign.
If Christianity is taken as the message brought by Esa the Christ, then it is the third message to humanity, that in order to establish the Kingdom Of Heaven within and without, the utmost sacrifice (not being self-centered, being humble) is necessary.
It is the Third Seal () in The Greatest Sign. It is the teaching of Christ, and the Angel is Esa. His teaching is the sharpest (hath the sharp sword) and has a twofold meaning, literally and mystically, with two edges.
This sword cuts through the superstitions and ignorance, dispels the darkness, and brings light and truth to humanity.
The sharp sword is the truth. Whoever is in Pure Consciousness will say the truth, which is sharp as a sword. The sharp sword is used only in the verses in The Revelation about the third sign, because who has the sharpest teachings among the Prophets? It is Esa. The four gospels are the most direct and sharpest teachings of the truth. They cut through the faults (if you understand them!).
The cross (), which is the symbol of Christianity, itself is representative of a balance if you add the scales on the two sides (
). The pair of balances is the symbol of equality.
With Christs teachings and the understandings of his teachings, a person should come to the point where he can overcome the devil (which is the attraction to Maya and/or false ego) and be ready to sacrifice (not being self-centered) all of individual self for establishing the Kingdom of Heaven (balances). He should hunger for righteousness and try to bring equity on earth.
The symbolic number three which is used all though the gospels and life of Christ, such as the three temptations, three falls while carrying his cross, resurrection after three days and nights, and also, being the Third Seal in The Greatest Sign, all are symbols of being born again, to be resurrected from the lower nature (three gunas) to the higher self.
After the lower nature is overcome, one goes to the heart chakra, which is the complete unconditional Love of Christ.
The meaning of the verse that God would take their heart of stone and give them a new heart, has been explained in chapter two of Revelation of The Revelation in the book THOTH. The heart which will replace their heart of stone is referring to the Spiritual Heart, not a fleshly heart. It is the Heart in the center of the chest, which means that the fourth chakra will be opened, the place of unconditional Love (Holy Mother). It is the center of Godly Love, understanding, compassion, etc., which replaces their human love.
This greater meaning, like many other meanings of the Scriptures, has been lost. This can be realized by looking at the statues that are made of Esa (Jesus). They place a bleeding, fleshly heart in the center of His chest, a symbol of His Spiritual Heart. That Spiritual Heart is the center of understanding, which will replace the selfish heart of man, which is like a stone.
The things Esa did in three and a half years, the energy is still carrying on and on and on. Why? Because he was. He did not do much, he was much!
This third church can also refer to the third chakra.
The first three stages (chakras) make up the lower nature of man, and until they are overcome, the possibility of falling back to the lower nature and using the powers gained for selfish desires is imminent. Also the third stage is the last in overcoming the lower nature.
Always remember where Esa and his teachings fit into the overall Plan. He is the three, the third sign (). And there were three parts in Esas mission to be fulfilled: First, to teach and symbolically show (to be crucified and rise again) how to overcome the lower nature (false ego) by crucifying it, thus be born again (rise to the higher self); Secondly, he came for the lost sheep of the House of Israel, which he gathered; and Thirdly, to finish and fulfill the prophecy that the scepter and lawgiving would be finished from the tribe of Judah, so consequently from the Children of Israel, and would be given to another nation.
So, he fulfilled all parts of his mission. Again we can surely realize that God never fails to fulfill His promises and the prophecies, which are given through His servants. They might take longer than the human expects, but they will come true eventually.
Therefore, Esa fulfilled a threefold mission:
S acrifice (his spiritual message),
A ssemble (gather) the people.
Esa The Christ Is The Best Example And Symbol For Humanity To Show That The Kingdom Will Not Be Established Without Sacrifice.
Christ was sent to set an example for the Children of Israel to show them how to establish the Kingdom of Heaven by sacrifice.
He came to show the Children of Israel how to establish the Will of the Lord, which is given by their sign ()and means the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. He showed them that it can be done only by sacrifice (
>) ( not being self-centered).
After Christ was sure that his disciples knew who he was, he revealed the last part of his mission, which was to be killed and rise again after three days. The very meaning of being crucified and rising again is that whoever wants to be risen (resurrected) to his higher self has to crucify his lower self (false-ego, lower nature). Only then will he be born again. This was as he taught, that one has to be born again.
The lower nature is made up of the lower propensities in the first three charkas: excess fear for survival, temptation, excess attraction to the external world, unhealthy sexual desires, and hunger for power and prestige to satisfy the lower desires (physiological and safety). Also, in reference to staying in the earth for three days, each day can be a symbol of overcoming the lower propensities of one chakra. Furthermore, the seal () is the third sign in The Greatest Sign, and it is the third church (Rev. Chapter 2) of the seven churches.
All of these clearly indicate where Christs teaching stands in history and why it is so celebrated by all, because going from the lower nature to the higher self is the first and most celebrated point in spiritual progress.
It was prophesied that when the Christ came he was going to go to the cross and be crucified. He even stalled, meaning hesitated, for awhile and said, God, can you take this cup from me? Then he realized right away, Not my will, but Thy Will be done. Then he went all the way.
Christ was in Pure Consciousness, which means that he was immortal. So how can you kill an immortal person? That is why they just think they killed him, but in truth he went to His Father in heaven. Indeed all Souls are immortal!
Sacrifice means to struggle to progress physically, mentally and spiritually and to help others also to progress in these spheres. It means to be other-centered, to give up mine and thine for ours. Therefore, in the process, the false ego is crucified ().
That is the key to happiness and joy, to forget the self for a great task. It is to help others to reach higher consciousness and create an environment () that allows all to reach the highest level of realization possible. So the feeling of self-centeredness is forgotten and the cause of unhappiness will vanish.
Sacrifice (being humble) is a must for a spiritual aspirant. However, sacrifice can be of three kinds like any other action. It can be from ignorance, passion or knowledge. Sacrifice which is performed for establishing the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be from ignorance. It is from knowledge.
Sacrificing and selflessness should start from the top of the society (the leaders). Otherwise the mass will be exploited through their sacrifices and a few will take advantage of these sacrifices for their selfish pursuances.
As we know, the third seal (the cross) () is the symbol of the coming of the Christ, Esa (Jesus). Esa went to the cross for his ideal. He showed that in order to create Communities of the Children of Light, the utmost sacrifice is necessary.
Knowing Self will be accelerated in these communities because you will have the time, support and understanding of others to be able to meditate to know God and become One with Him. Sacrifice makes such communities possible.
As was said, sacrifice, like everything else, can be of three kinds. It can be from ignorance, passion or knowledge. Sacrifice for something that is not necessary and the person does not need it, is from ignorance. Sacrifice when you expect something in return is from passion. When you expect something in return, then it is really a business, isnt it? I do something for you, you do something for me. So you are not really doing sacrifice but you are making a deal, You do this for me, I will do that for you. Sacrifice from knowledge is when it is done without expectation, for the good of the community.
At the same time, you always have to be careful. It is just like a good plant. When you have a good plant, the soil around the plant is good. So usually the weeds start growing around it also. The weeds start trying to obtain the nutrition from the soil where the plants are growing.
Sacrificing has to be done with a very discriminating mind, so that people will not sacrifice for the weeds but for the real plants. So we have to weed out those elements that use the resources of the community but really do not give any flower, they do not give any fruit. You know them by their fruit. If they are not giving any fruit, what do you do? They are weeds, cut them off. You have no choice. You have to say, OK, this is a weed, now I know. Then after awhile, you know all the weeds. When you see a weed you say, Oh, that is a weed, right away.
That is why sacrificing is so important. Many communities have suffered because very few sacrifice to the utmost and many other weeds just eat their nutrition. Then they became thinner and thinner. Eventually they died because they did not have any nutrition themselves to continue. They just gave and gave and gave. When they no longer gave, those communities fell apart!
Everyone, even the highest person on earth, has a limit to his capacity to give. The physical body is very demanding on the energy. Therefore, you have to weed out those things that will weaken the community and only bring in those that give fruit. Then you might be able to help others to a point that they also will give fruit.
Even in sacrificing, there is a pitfall. After you sacrifice for a while, you might create two kinds of expectation. You might say, Oh, I am sacrificing so much, but why is it not working? Sometimes it feels so slow, everything is going slow and things are not happening. You put so much effort into people and things, and you think, It is not happening. So you might become discouraged.
The other type of expectation is, you sacrifice and you do to gain some results. You say, Wow, I am such a great person. Look at me. I am the person who is doing this. Really, this Mission needs me. I am really the person running this Mission, etc. Ego comes in.
That is when the surrendering and submission (fourth seal) ( ) should be remembered. Surrendering means to do the Will of God but surrender the results to Him. Submission is to ideate that, It is not really me who is doing it, it is God who is doing it through me.
With submission we become a channel for God and we do sacrifice with a discriminative mind. We weed out the weeds. We strengthen the community. Yet at the same time, we never become very egoistical. We say, OK, God, you did a good job. Thank you very much, I will go ahead to another project, to another service for You.
Esa Gathered Together The People Under His Religion, Christianity ().
In Genesis 49:10 in the Bible, Jacob prophesied about the future of Judah, his tribe and its inheritance:
The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
Here are two prophecies which should have been fulfilled through the tribe of Judah: First, the promise of spiritual kingly domination which was given to Abraham and his seed would be fulfilled through the tribe of Judah. This is the scepter, lawgiver, and the Messiah (Shiloh) which would come from this tribe. However the scepter and lawgiver would stay with the tribe of Judah until the Messiah came, shall not depart, until Shiloh come. Secondly, when the Shiloh (Messiah) came, he would gather the people under his banner, and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
Who were the people which would be gathered unto the Messiah? They were the ten lost tribes of the House of Israel, the lost sheep of the house of Israel, which were gathered together as Christians under the banner of Christ. Also the Kingly spiritual domination was finished from the tribe of Judah (House of Judah).
That is why Esa said that he was not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
This sentence is the key to understanding one of the greatest prophecies and Plans of the Lord which has been hidden from humanity for so long. A clear understanding of this great point also shows the legitimacy of Esa as the Messiah, and that God exists and is guiding the creation and history.
Christ had come to save those who were true seekers but were lost because of the confusion of the teachings and ideas at that time. These were the ones who saw his truth, either when he was alive or after, and rejoiced in it and were saved. They were the lost sheep of Israel who should have been saved, because it was the Will of the Father that those who have struggled to progress spiritually to the Father should be saved
During his ministry, Esa went to the well of Jacob in Samaria which was given to Joseph. The people believed in him in his land. This shows the significance of the name Samaritans with the mission of Christ. They also became the means to transfer the teachings of Christ further to the rest of the House of Israel in order for the prophecies of Jacob to be fulfilled and for God to be glorified.
Eventually the House of Israel moved toward the west and northwest of Europe. Indeed, that is where Christianity flourished and gathered all the lost Children of Israel under one religion.
Also in the gospel of St. John we read:
And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Esa would die for that nation [Jews]; And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.
(John 11:51-52)
Esa should have been crucified for that nation (the House of Judah) and also to gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.
Also, he came to gather together the people or as it was prophesied, to gather together in one the children of God not all the children of God, but that were scattered abroad.
And not for that nation only but for the children of God that were scattered abroad from that nation (Children of Israel). Who were those who were scattered abroad and were lost? They were the House of Israel. They were the ones whom God had predicted would be scattered from the seed of Jacob (Gen. 28:14). (For further explanation, read the book Children of Abram (Abraham), All Prophecies Are Fulfilled in THOTH).
It was these people who were scattered abroad that would be blessed with the unconditional promise given to Abraham when he obeyed God even to sacrifice his son for him. This promise will be in effect to the end of the last age.
With The Coming Of Christ, The Promise Of The Scepter Of Spiritual Domination And Kingly Status (Lawgiver) Given To Judah Was Fulfilled.
As it was explained, the spiritual king (scepter) should come from the tribe of Judah, and he did. Not only did all the greats kings of Israel come from this tribe, but also Esa The Christ who was from the tribe of Judah, came as the expected Messiah. His spiritual message was that in order to establish the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth (), sacrifice (
) to be humble is necessary.
But the historical effect was his coming as prophesied by Jacob (Israel) to finish the promise of the scepter given to the tribe of Judah.
The right of having this privilege no longer belonged to Judah, The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be (Gen. 49:10).
The promised Messiah (Shiloh) came as Esa The Christ. He fulfilled all the signs which were given for this coming, but the Jews rejected him. He came to show the way of establishing the Kingdom Of Heaven within and without, but the Jews had many concepts about the new Messiah. They expected him to come and place them in a position superior to others. They expected him to be similar to the kings they knew, with material glory and power for suppressing others because of their wrong conception of Jewish superiority.
With the rejection of Esa The Messiah and the fulfillment of the prophecies of his coming, God took away the prophethood from the Jews and gave it to other nations, as was prophesied by Israel (Jacob).
This event is shown in Matthew 21:43, Therefore I say unto you, The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
With this sentence, the great struggle of the Jews started, but they did not believe the words of the prophecy told by Christ. However, it does not matter if humans accept or reject a Prophet. Messengers of God (Angels) are only the warners and have a message for people. What they say will happen even if their words are not accepted. Also in the case of Esa, his crucifixion was a part of his mission.
Therefore, the scepter and the lawgiving were removed from the tribe of Judah and given to another nation.
This other nation was the Arabs. The spiritual kingly personality was Muhammad. The spiritual truth and laws were Islam ( ) and the Koran. The spiritual message of Prophet Muhammad can be understood from the very word Islam. Islam comes from the word tasleim which means both to be surrendered and submissive to the Will of the Lord.
With this, another prophecy was fulfilled, and also history is the witness of this truth which God promised would happen. Furthermore, nothing happens without His Will. So if a person would be able to establish a new great religion, it has been His Will, even if some people do not understand or do not like it.
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