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Godly Societies And
Ungodly Societies

When the fathers do not act like fathers, mothers do not act like mothers, grandfathers do not act like grandfathers, and grandmothers do not act like grandmothers, then children will not act like children.  In such a society, the family will break down and ungodly acts seem Godly.  We indeed will have a Sodom and Gomorrah-based society!

It is then that the merchants and companies do not consider the well-being of the society, cheating becomes prevalent in the society, lying will become politically correct, and all manner of destructive tendencies permeate the society.

When fathers act like fathers, mothers act like mothers, grandfathers act like grandfathers, and grandmothers act like grandmothers, then children will be children.  In such a society the family is strong and ungodly acts are shunned and looked upon as unworthy, and only the Godly will be worthy.  We indeed will have a God-based society.

It is then that the merchants and companies will consider the well-being of the society, cheating will become appalling in the eyes of the society, lying will become politically incorrect, and all manner of productive (goodness or Godness) tendencies will permeate the society.

Godly societies will prosper and survive; the ungodly societies will eventually be destroyed.

This is the LAW!



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