July/August 2012 Newsbrief → Announcements

Website Changes

Many changes, both small and significant, have been made to the website over the last two months. For a complete list, see the May and June entries on our Record of Changes page. Here are the most important changes:

  1. Maitreya has made two additions to Supplements in THOTH (see the announcement).

  2. We have changed to a completely new e-commerce site. Although it is very basic (it is based off a free service), it is easy to use and fully functional, unlike our old e-commerce, which had developed many problems over the years. Not all our products are fully transferred over yet, but the main ones are, and the others will be soon.

  3. A new "Native Cultures" section has been added to the Prophecies section of the website (accessible from the left side menu under Prophecies Major Religions Native Cultures). In this section has been placed the various First Peoples prophecies we have so far that have been related to Maitreya and the Mission (mostly Native American, but also African, Indonesian, New Zealand, etc.). Most of these have come from articles written for this Newsbrief. Therefore, there is now a single unified area to find all these prophecies and direct people interested in such prophecies.

    If you find a Native Cultures prophecy on the website that is not listed in this section, please notify us so it can be added. Also, if you find a Native Cultures prophecy that is not yet on the website but you think relates to Maitreya, the Mission, the End Times, etc., send it to our Prophecies project manager.

  4. The tithes and donations page has been completely revamped. While before the only payment options were PayPal and our mailing address for checks, cash, etc., we have now also added the ability to donate through Google Wallet as well as a very interesting new service called Dwolla (see the page for details). The whole page has also been reorganized to hopefully make it easy to use each of these options. We hope the additional flexibility will be helpful in giving your tithes and financial support.

  5. A sharp-eyed Mission member brought to our attention that our Danish translation of the base of the teachings was actually Dutch. It seems we made a mistake at some point in the past and overwrote the Danish translation with a copy of the Dutch one. The correct Danish translation has now been put back up. ATTG to our member for the help - please always let us know if you see a mistake on the site so we can correct it!

  6. We realized that some of the things listed on the social networking page were not actually social networks; therefore, they have now been moved to a separate page called The Mission on Other Sites. This page can be reached from the footnotes at the bottom of every page under Quick Links "Listings on other sites."

As always, we hope these changes will further improve the website's usability, and welcome your feedback on any and all of them. Tell us what you like, and what can be improved!