Tablet Three
(Genesis 1:1)
<1>God -- Parama (beyond) Purusa (world), Parasutma (center of the universe), etc. -- who is in Pure Consciousness () (beyond the influence of the three gunas) called the state He was in Himself (Pure Consciousness) "heaven," and the state of being lost and separate from God (ignorance), He called "earth" (hell). <2>So heaven and hell (earth) were created.
<3>The sign above represents the state of Pure Consciousness (). <4>It is the sign "Haree Om Shrii Hung" (HOSH), which means, "The goal of the life is to be(come) DIVINE (Pure Consciousness)." <5>The sign consists of four parts. The (
) in the middle is a representation of the beginning of the release of the creative forces (The Word).
<6>The I-Ching sign () represents the dual nature of all things, as positive (satva) and negative (tama), in the universe. Also it represents the spiritual powers in the universe (activated by raja guna).
<7>The sign of the Expanding Lotus (), represents the All-Pervasive Love of God (the consciousness), <8>and the sign of Lotustica (
) is the detachment quality of the consciousness (God) which lets those who are lost go away from Him into Maya (material attraction) and suffer so that they might learn their lessons and know that the only way to true happiness is to go toward Him and out of Maya. So we can say that it is the punishing side.
<9>Therefore, the sign HOSH, in general means that with spiritual powers (), Father controls the operative powers of the three gunas (
), and He is the nucleus of the universe. The Expanding Lotus (
) shows that He is all-pervasive and loving. The Lotustica (
) shows His detachment from those who go astray (toward ignorance), <10>but the moment they come back to Him they will be touched by His loving side and again accepted.
And the earth was without form, and void;...
(Genesis 1:2a)
<11>The hell (earth) is not a place but a state of consciousness, "and the earth was without form, and void."
...And darkness was upon the face of the deep...
(Genesis 1:2b)
<12>The three gunas () together make up the creative power in the universe, or the Universal Mind. The satva guna (sentient force) is the intelligence or decision-making part of the Universal Mind. The raja guna (mutative force) is the recognizing part of the Universal Mind. The tama guna (static or crudifying force) is the screen or visualizing part of the Universal Mind.
<13>Through this Universal Mind, God can see His universe, recognize each part of it and the state of consciousness it is in, and decide what should be done about it.
<14>Through this Universal Mind, God saw that so many unit consciousnesses were lost and in darkness, "and darkness was upon the face of the deep...."
(Genesis 1:2c)
<15>Water is a symbol for manifested consciousness (ether). <16>So God decided to rescue these lost souls and bring them to Pure Consciousness. Through His Universal Mind ("Spirit of God"), He moved to help them. He brought them () under His control (