(The Voice Of God)
(explanation of these sessions)
God: This is the Voice of God.
We indeed have created the Universe. In the beginning a part of the Essence and the unity was disturbed. We have meditated in that darkness for a long time before We created this universe, which is very temporary.
In the beginning the gaseous elements and dust were created. They were gathered together. Then supernovas, eventually the heavy metals and heavy stuff were formed, galaxies, solar systems, and earth-like places that life can germinate and evolve.
The universe is not a permanent place and is in a state of flux. Therefore, there is no permanency in this universe.
The evolutionary process was created to evolve from this crude state of creation, the state that beings can be created, that they can progress spiritually, and turn around and go back to the Essence that was separated. Therefore the Body that was One once, can be restored to its health.
We used that darkness with Our Light and Body to create this universe. The goal of this life, which has been given to humanity and all the beings in the higher level, is to recognize the state of this universe as a temporary state, and being attached to anything that is not permanent eventually will be destroyed. Although many forces have been used to create this universe, those forces are working toward the return to their natural state. Therefore, decay and destruction are a part of this universe.
However, the human is in a state of not seeing this truth. They take this life as permanent and become so attached to the things that are not permanent that they cannot separate themselves from these temporary things and concentrate on permanency.
Before this creation was created, the unit consciousnesses or those parts that were created by going away from the Essence would not progress and would stay in the darkness. That is why this creation is created with the beings that can turn around and be one with the Essence.
The evolutionary progress has shown that any time any species or beings in the process of evolving to a higher level lag behind, there is no choice but to eliminate them. Therefore, the way is open for those who are evolving to a higher level to go further. That is why this time of human history is the time of sundering.
Indeed as dinosaurs that could not progress and evolve in a greater degree had to be eliminated, the work of Spirit also eliminates those who could not progress and evolve in a greater degree and help those who are progressing toward a higher level.
Before twelve thousand years ago, humanity had the ability to access the powers of the spiritual world. But they did not progress. Therefore, what We call "the flood of Noah," was created. Those who did not evolve were eliminated, and a new man was created whose third eye was closed and only intellect was given to them.
Then Our Revelation was given to Our Prophets, Our Servants, who brought these messages to you. They do not make these things up but they receive them through the Revelations and connection in the Spirit. The decision has already been made that these things are going to happen.
That is why opposing the Prophets, crucifying them, stoning them, shooting them, or doing whatever humanity has done to them before, does not make any difference. The decision has already been made in Spirit that these things are going to happen.
Our first Prophet was Noah who taught his children the Essence of the Spirit that spread all over the world and became the base and the Essence of all religions. All Prophets meditated. All Prophets spent quiet time by themselves. All Prophets were guided to a point that they recognized that they had a message from God to man. They brought those messages to humanity; they asked them to be perfect, to progress, to go to Spirit, and not to be attached to this external world. When the Prophets leave, then man brings some dogmas, then become attached to them, and then say, "This is the only way."
But We have clearly indicated that no one knows the truth until the Revelation of the Seventh Angel. Therefore, all the revelations before this Revelation have only a part of the truth, but not the whole truth.
We chose Abraham and We promised that his children, Ishmael and Isaac, would receive a Prophet and a great portion of this earth. We chose the Children of Israel to show that only in the communities can you create the base of the longing of humanity, bring unity and sharing, and the faster elimination of the ego. That also will be accelerated by marriage and by those who dedicate their lives to do the work and become light workers.
The Prophet came from Isaac as Christ, and he brought the teaching of sacrifice. Christ brought the message that such communities can be created only by sacrifice. He indeed became Our Mouthpiece for humanity. We and he were One. There is no separation when a Prophet gives the Revelations. God and the Prophet are One.
The next Prophet came from the Children of Ishmael as it was promised to Abram. He brought the message of surrendering and submission. It is not that We need you to surrender and submit to Us, but by doing that you focus all your attention and intention toward the goal, which is to return to the Light.
Indeed, We are standing in the end of the darkness, at the end of the tunnel, as a beaming Light for you to come back to the Essence. Therefore, surrendering and submission makes you to follow what this creation has been created for. "Not my will but Thy Will," which is the Creator and is the Essence of this universe.
Then We sent the Prophet Bab who brought the realization that all religions are from Us. There is no separation between religions. There is only One Revealer, One Spirit of Truth. There is only One Creator that created all things.
We cannot send many conflicting religions and still claim that all religions are from Us. We are One. If humans understand this then they have no choice but to recognize that all the Messengers and Major Manifestations have brought the same message in Essence. By this Revelation also you are informed that each of them have a specific message for you.
With Bab and Baha'u'llah, who had been prophesied to come as two Prophets that compliment each other, the revelation of universalism was revealed to humanity. If this universe is a temporary place then being attached to any religion, any race, any gender, any nation, even any earth or our galaxy is based on ignorance and our misunderstanding of this creation.
We are children of the same Essence, and anything that separates us from each other is narrow and is from darkness. We have to let the Light come in and see the truth. There is a purpose in this creation, and We have created you to turn around and come back to the Essence, to the Light.