MAITREYA, Conversations with

Sal-OM everyone. Welcome to the
Mission of Maitreya, Eternal
Divine Path. We will
be together for an hour and a half.
Hopefully we will be discussing the Mission of Maitreya,
and we will again see how wonderfully this Revelation has come and
how wonderful it is.
We can take the Message to humanity that there is no God but One
God, and there is nowhere that He is not.
God is Everything.
If God is Everything there is nothing that is not God, and therefore
everything is Divine. What makes the human not realize this is the umbrella of ego, which
really is delusion itself.
So the reason we do not realize that, is that delusion that
humanity is in and makes us so attached to this external world.
Any attachments to the external world are a hindrance in our Path to
God. The only acceptable
attachment is being attached to God 100%.
The rest will fall in their places, our relationships, our
parents, our finances; our everything else is just secondary to
If humanity can realize this, then there is nothing out there that
is theirs, so they can easily share with each other what belongs to
God already anyway. That
will bring greater oneness in the human life.
If they understand that they are not going to take any of this when
they leave their bodies, not even their attachments, their
relationships, their parents, or their belongings, then they realize
that any of those attachments are just the illusion of the ego that
makes us to be attached to the things in the external world.
It does not mean that we do not have a relationship with our friends
or anyone that we deal with.
It means that we deal with them as a part of God.
Therefore our relationship is on a greater base than, one
ego loves another ego, and both egos have a lot of cravings and
therefore I crave, you tell me, you give me what my ego craves, and
your ego craves the same thing.
We both do not have it.
How can I give you something that I do not have and I am craving
myself? This simple
message is so hard for humanity to realize.
IsH GiBbOr:
is not what Benjamin Crme is preaching or prophesied.
Well, Mr. Crme seems to confuse a lot of things in his
outreach as did John the Baptist.
John the Baptist preached that the Kingdom will come and the
Messiah will be here very soon; when Christ came, he did not
recognize Him.
Actually John sent his disciples to Christ, asking Him, Are you the
one we were waiting for?
He never recognized Christ, and after Christ reached out to
establish His Mission, later on the people realized that He was the
One John the Baptist was talking about to come.
It sounds like Mr. Crme has been used to foretell the coming of
Maitreya, and he cannot find Him, as John the Baptist also did
not find Christ. Mr. Crme
has been preaching, Maitreya will be here any day, one month from
now, two months, six months, a year from now, for the last
twenty-three or twenty-four years.
And the Mission of Maitreya has sent messengers to him
and many other people.
So the whole idea was that after twenty-five years of promising that
Christ will be here, Maitreya will be here, he has not found
Him yet. Still people
are waiting for that promise to be fulfilled, when that promise was
fulfilled in 1982. The
Mission of Maitreya was the only organization that reached
out to humanity and we published our teachings then.
So he was correct
in 1982. After that, he
has a lot of his own ideas and understandings.
He is not relenting or releasing what he has received, and he
is not recognizing what has come to him.
In fact if the people who follow Mr. Crme study our
teachings and see the Vision, they will realize that is exactly what
this Mission is trying to do, to bring the Kingdom of God on
earth in a peaceful way, by education, by calling people to come
together, create the Communities of Light, and bring the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.
The religions are unified.
The prophecies are fulfilled, and indeed that is what is from
God and Mr. Crme has to realize, relent, and come and see that,
What you said was correct, that Maitreya indeed will reveal
Himself in the spring of 1982.
But of course not according to what he thought would happen,
but according to a greater and higher level.
So if you know Mr. Crme, again go and let him know he is wasting
his time and wasting a lot of other peoples time by preaching that
Maitreya is going to be here a month from now.
He already came in 1982.
So in a sense we are saying or talking about the same
Maitreya but Mr. Crme is having his own ideas of how he is
going to come so the similarity between John the Baptist and
Benjamin Crme is significant.
IsH GiBbOr:
Are you who he prophesied about?
Well, there is so much discrepancy between what he says and
what the Word of God is. In one sense you might not see it is the same.
In another way he says the same thing about the coming of
Maitreya as the Expected Manifestation from all religions on
earth, and he will preach a new teaching that unifies all of
humanity and brings them together.
In that essence he is correct; we are talking about the same
In another sense that he is going to build his body in the
Himalayas, come here, snap his fingers, and the Kingdom
will come the next day, that is not the Way of God.
God has never done it that way, and God does not change His
Always the Prophets of God or the Major Manifestations are born from
a woman. They come to
humanity in a regular way, they grow up, they eventually realize
their mission, and they reach to humanity and tell them, God sent
this Message. They
receive the Revelation by a subtle way of communicating with God
through The Holy Ghost.
So that is why it is bringing a lot of questions about how Mr. Crme
sees Maitreya will come, and how God has prophesied and has
been doing it through history.
There has never been in the history of humanity that a
Prophet, a Major Manifestation will come, that He comes and He
builds his body, and comes to humanity as from the Hierarchy.
All Prophets have been born from a mother, raised as a child,
came to an age that they realized that they have a mission, they
have a message, and they are called for a great purpose.
Therefore they reach out to humanity and give the message.
All the Major Manifestations to this point have come for
a specific people, for a specific message, to create a specific
religion, until this Revelation, which is the Seventh Revelation and
unifies all the religions of the world and is not for a specific
people, or nation, or religion.
It has come for all nations, for all people, for all
religions, and unifies them together.
Therefore what we have here is even beyond what Mr.
Crme was preaching and talking about.
But he was inspired; he was inspired to call people to
realize this indeed is the time that the Major Manifestation will
come to humanity.
However, as most disciples are, they receive the message
to a point that they can handle, and they filter it through their
own egos and their own understandings.
Therefore they bring it to humanity, not in the clearest way
possible. The only clear
Message comes through the Prophets of God who are the purest
channels for humanity.
IsH GiBbOr:
you are that one that is to unify the world religions?
Exactly. This is
the teaching that unifies all the religions of the world.
I am just a Messenger of God.
Of course the Spirit of God will unify all religions of the
world because He prophesied; He has foretold that there are going to
be Seven Seals or Seven Religions that will come to humanity for the
last 6,000 years.
When the Seventh Angel comes, it is then that the Mystery of God
will be finished. Also
God instructed the Great Prophets who had the vision at the end time
to seal that vision, not to reveal it to humanity, because He
already had decided that He was not going to reveal the whole truth
until the Seventh Angel comes, which you can find in chapter 10,
verse 7 in The Revelation.
Therefore no one, not a single Soul, knows the whole truth or the
Mystery of God until the Seventh Revelation comes.
When that Seventh Revelation comes, of course, it opens the
Book sealed with the Seven Seals.
It means no one could break those Seals.
No one can open that Book and reveal the Mystery of God but
the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, or the Seventh Angel, or the last
Major Manifestation to humanity.
Therefore no one, not even Mr. Crme, knows the Mystery of God
because the Scriptures reveal that only the Seventh Angel has that
ability to bring the whole Mystery of God together.
Now it has been fulfilled.
We are at that point that the Book with the Seven Seals is opened,
and the Mystery of God has been revealed.
If Mr. Crme and everyone who follows him realize and
recognize this, clearly they can see that what they say has some
truth in it, like everyone else, but God has already revealed how He
will bring His Kingdom on earth.
IsH GiBbOr:
you remember your Heavenly Name?
We do reveal The Holy Name to humanity in this time in seven
initiations. The Holy
Name of the Son and Father merge together and is not pronounceable
in the external world. The moment you pronounce it, it will corrupt itself because it is
something within humanity, within men.
Actually it is in every atom and creation.
It will only be revealed to those who are the Elects and are
dedicated to the
Therefore that is
why God does not have any Name.
He has only one Name, and that is a vibration within you and
that cannot be pronounced or uttered.
That is why in the time of
Israel, if
someone tried to utter it, they would be stoned.
That was considered taking the Name of the Lord in vain.
Therefore if you are talking about The Holy Name, yes indeed.
All the Major Manifestations knew about that Name, as Christ
used it to heal, and as Prophet Muhammad said there are 3,000 names
for God and humanity only knows 2,999 of them, and one of them they
do not know.
IsH GiBbOr:
like the OM of the Vedic writings?
It does not quite sound as
But it will eventually lead you to
OM or the original sound of the creation before the
entrance to Pure Consciousness or Oneness with God.
Of course you can hear many sounds in your meditation, just like a
cricket in the field is one of the first things probably in deep
meditation that the people who start meditating will hear, and that
is like being in a field.
If you have ever been in a field, there is a humming sound of
the crickets and small animals.
You will hear drums.
You will hear the flute of
and many other sounds.
The last sound you will hear will be
which is the beginning of the big bang.
When the creation was created, the first sound was
If you
are in a crowd and you listen very carefully to the sound that
people are talking, you can hear a humming sound in the background
of all those foreground noises.
That is again
So the essence of all sounds is the
sound. So yes indeed,
is the beginning of the creation.
But The Word that will be revealed is the Essence of vibration that
creation has been created with.
So The Word is in every atom.
The Name of the Lord has been written in every atom and
creation, and it is pulsating all the time.
If that pulsation stops, the creation will stop.
So again we see that humanity is on the brink of realizing that
pulsation within themselves and having God with them all the time.
So they do not really have to meditate in the essence of
closing their eyes. If
they are connected to that energy, they can walk, they can talk,
they can perform their duties, and at the same time know that, that
vibration is with them and God is with them twenty-four hours a day,
all the time.
The more such a people we create on earth, the more humanity will be
connected to God directly.
Therefore we can bring the
Kingdom Of
Heaven On Earth faster.
IsH GiBbOr:
NASA has recorded an odd humming, way out in space; does this have
something to do with it?
Yes indeed. That
is the very sound of the original sound of creation.
And that, if you listen to that sound, also has an
OM sound in it.
It has, of course, a lot of foreground noise.
But if you listen to it very carefully you will hear the
OM sound even in that recording they have done.
So they have captured the very original sound of creation.
But that also includes a lot of other sounds like supernovas
that have been destroyed.
Even in the destruction of supernovas, when the supernova
happens, there is also an
OM sound
of the original creation.
So that is why they cannot produce the purest form of
The only
way you can experience that pure sound is through your meditation.
You are correct; they do have something very close.
But it is not the purest form.
However, they do not consider other influences that have
happened from the beginning of the creation in that sound.
That is why there are a lot of cracking sounds in that
recording that they have done.
So indeed, humanity, religion, and science are becoming so close
together. Now they even
talk about the constant presence of the black matter.
Of course it is really not black; it is more like ether.
That is exactly what Prophets have been telling humanity, God is
always there with you. There is no time that God is not, in other words, the constant
presence of God.
Go ahead, Openeye.
Yes, good morning, Maitreya.
I came to the realization just a few weeks ago
I noticed in the Third Sign, Jesus or Esa summed up the Ten
Commandments by the words, Love your God with all your heart, mind,
and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself.
As I was doing the Haree Om Shrii Hung, Om Nam Kevalam, the
first part of the Haree Om Shrii Hung, is a sort of, love your God
with all your heart, and the second part, Om Nam Kevalam, is love
your neighbor as yourself as God.
Can you share with the room about this, and expand on it?
Is this my own realization?
Yes indeed. What
is the goal of following the Ten Commandments?
You follow the Ten Commandments to become Divine, to become
Godly, to become connected to the Spirit.
Therefore the Goal Of The Life Is To Be(Come) Divine.
When you become Divine, you automatically follow the Ten
Commandments. You will
not do those things that will take the Spirit away from you and
darken you, or take you away from Oneness with the Spirit or Essence
because all those things that the Ten Commandments say, Do not do,
are related to your ego. Therefore you do not do them but you do things that are the result
of following the Ten Commandments.
To make the Ten
Commandments positive, you probably can change them from, Thou
shall not do this or shall not do that, but you can say, Thou
shall be detached from jealousy toward, what?... your neighbors
possessions. Instead of
saying, Thou shall not envy the possessions of your neighbor, you
can probably change it to, You shall become detached from this
external world. Therefore what your neighbor has it is his, you are not jealous
because you are connected to God, and jealousy does not even come to
your senses because there is no ego and all those things that are
related to ego.
Therefore the essence of, the result of, the Ten Commandments,
following the Ten Commandments, is what Christ said and what the
Haree Om Shrii Hung, Om Nam Kevalam tells humanity to be:
The Goal Of The Life Is To Be(Come) Divine.
How do you become Divine?
By following the Eternal Divine Path.
How can you live in a
Community of Light and at the same time
break the Ten Commandments?
Because if want to follow, if you are living in the
Communities of Light, you have no choice but to follow the Ten Commandments, Thou
shall not do all those things that God said you will not do.
Even greater than the Ten Commandments, the result of the Ten
Commandments, is the Fifteen Commandments that have come in THOTH, in our Book,
The Holiest Of The Holies.
Those Fifteen Commandments bring a greater degree and include
the Ten Commandments.
As a result of all of these things, the
Eternal Divine Path,
the Fifteen Commandments, the Ten Commandments, and all the
religions that brought you those Commandments, you become Divine.
You will be able to follow the Eternal Divine Path.
By following the Eternal Divine Path, you will create the
Communities of Light.
In the Communities of Light, you will progress
hundreds and thousands-fold faster.
The Communities of Light also will become the base for
the creation of the
Heaven On Earth.
So in a sense you
are correct. Your
realization is correct. The very essence of the meaning of the Haree Om Shrii Hung, Om Nam
Kevalam is the result of all the spiritual progress or Commandments
that God has given to humanity.
That is a very good
realization. Also if
every man and woman just realized the meaning of the Haree Om Shrii
Hung, Om Nam Kevalam, they will have a very strong and powerful grip
of the truth of God.
The Goal Of the
Life Is To Be(Come) Divine.
That is the goal of the life.
The goal of the life is not to become a doctor or professor,
or a lawyer, or a whatever that people think that the goal of the
life is, or to accumulate a lot of wealth and money, etc.
It clearly tells
you what the goal of the life is.
That is why you have been born.
You have been born here on this earth to be(come) Divine.
How do you be(come) Divine?
By following the Eternal Divine Path.
See, this
Revelation is so precise and so completely shows the Way to go to
God, and, of course, God is everything.
There is nowhere that God is not.
If there is nowhere that God is not, then were is the devil?
If there is only
God, the devil or temptation or all those things that happen to
humanity is because of the delusion of the separation from God.
If they can break that delusion and realize God is
everything, and see that everyone has the Essence of God in them and
the goal of the life (to become Divine) is taught to the children
from the very beginning, then they will overcome that delusion of
separation from God.
It is not to have
all those games and things to play with, and completely wrap them up
into this external world, and here to have all those things that
society tells them that the goal of their life is.
Then they will have a great grip in their life, and they will
grow up with understanding that they have to be(come) Divine.
They might ask you,
How can we be(come) Divine?
Then you tell them, Follow the Eternal Divine Path,
meditate, awaken your spiritual forces, direct that energy toward
the creation of the Communities of Light, sacrifice,
surrender and submit to the Will of God for you, become a
universalist, and therefore you become an Elect.
Eventually you and all those who reach that state will help
all to reach Pure Consciousness.
You will become Divine.
That is the goal of
life. The Haree Om Shrii
Hung and Om Nam Kevalam are the Essence of all the commandments for
Of course what
Christ said has great meaning. What
He said also meant the Essence of all Commandments because all the
Commandments should lead you to love your God with all your heart,
mind, and spirit, with no attachments to the external world.
Anything you are
attached to but God in the external world is in your way.
I know a lot of people rationalize it and say, Oh really
Maitreya does not mean,
completely 100% being attached to God.
It is OK if I am attached a little bit to my children, or to
my family, or to my friends, or to my husband or wife, or to my
wealth, etc. But that
is not true.
God is very
absolute. When Christ
says, love your God with all your heart, mind, and spirit, He means
it. He is not just
saying 90% or 80% or 70%.
He says, With
ALL your heart, 100%. That is the way to salvation.
If you are not 100%
with God, then you are a lukewarm.
And God says clearly in His Revelation, I will spew you out
of My Mouth if you are a lukewarm.
So the Word of God
again is rumbling on earth to humanity and calling them to the
absolute realization of their lives, why they are here on earth.
Of course, humanity likes to water things down and to make
them not to sound as absolute as God means.
Humanity has now
reached a point that God is out of everything.
We do not have God in anything anymore.
God sends and has sent His Prophets, Messengers, to man,
Actually the very presence of a Prophet or Messenger from God
means that people or humans are not listening to God.
As long as the
Children of Israel were listening to God, no Prophets were coming to
them. The Prophets
started coming to the Children of Israel when they changed from
judges to kings and cut themselves off from God, because they chose
human kings instead of God and His Laws, therefore they were cut
off. That is when the
Prophets were sent to the kings and tried to tell them, Listen to
God instead of your egos.
And of course, the king did not listen.
That is why the Children of Israel went down.
That is another
reason the Prophet comes, as a sign that humanity is not listening
to God. It has multiple
purposes. But that is
one purpose of it.
Now these words are
coming and telling humanity, God means it, 100%.
No watering down of His Words.
He is absolute.
When He says, Thou shall love your God with all your heart, mind,
and spirit, He means 100%, not 70, 80, or any other percentage.
It means 100%.
Therefore in order
to become Divine is to follow the Eternal Divine Path, to
understand The Goal Of the Life Is To Be(come) Divine, that the
whole of this creation was in a chaos and the creation started or
was created so humans go back to Godhead.
That is the goal of the life, to return home, to return to
God. That is not
something anyone can take lightly.
Of course, at this
point, as God said, this is the time of sundering.
It is the time of separating the chaff from the wheat.
The chaff are those who still have big egos, put God out, and
do not listen to the Word of God.
The wheat are those who are the ones that listen to God and
His Words 100%, and dedicate their lives to be(come) Divine.
To be 100% means to
listen to the Words of the Prophets, His Revelations, His
Prophecies, and His Promises, and they will come true.
His Promises will come true for sure.
Go ahead, Openeye.
I have one more question.
In speaking to friends of mine who are Christians and also
friends of mine who are Moslems, I was asking the question, Do you
think the world or all religions will come together as one?
Would you accept, I was speaking to the Christian friends,
Would you accept Muhammad as one of the Prophets?
There is always the hesitation of someone to come together,
whatever you want to call it.
Also speaking to
the Moslem people, they say the same thing.
They cannot see themselves coming together as one as yet.
They want to separate the people.
They always say they cannot come together.
Now I think if we look at the cause of the history of the
relationship between Christianity and Moslems, there has always been
that feeling of not coming together.
Would that ever be possible, or there has to be tribulation
before that happens? Thanks.
What we have to tell these people who are hesitating or they
feel it is not going to happen is, that they have to understand the
Will of God, the Word of God, and the Way God has envisioned it and
revealed it to humanity.
The Christians have
to realize that God did promise to Abram also that the Prophet would
come from the Children of Abram, that He did bring that promise to
fruition and gave fruit as Prophet Muhammad, that He did promise the
Children of Abram or the father of Ishmael that they would have a
great part of the earth as a possession.
And they do.
have it from
Saudi Arabia
to North Africa, all the way to
South America.
So these are all the Children of Abram.
Also God said He is
going to be a Mystery until the Seventh Angel comes.
So neither Christians, neither Jews, neither Hindus, neither
Buddhists, nor Moslems know the Mystery of God until the Seventh
Revelation comes. Therefore all of them are hanging onto their dogmas, their
misunderstandings, or their own understandings.
Our job is to make it clear to them and show them the Word of
God; that God said these Revelations were going to come.
If Christians and
Jews realize that God also promised Abram that Prophet Muhammad was
going to come, there is no way for a Christian to imagine that
Christ is the only way because God did not say only a Prophet would
come from the Children of Abraham.
He said there was also going to be a Prophet or the Scepter
would come from the Children of Abram.
Abram was the
father of Ishmael. Then
God changed His name to Abraham, and He became the father of Isaac.
Then God promised the same thing, the birthright and the
scepter to Him as well.
If they realize
that, then Christians have no choice but to say, Yes, this is the
Word of God. We did not
know it because the Seventh Angel had not revealed it to us.
He had not come to reveal to humanity that this is the way
God did it.
If they realize
that Jacob, at the time of his death, said that Judah would be the
king, that kings would come from Judah, and when the Shiloh, or the
Messiah, comes, that promise would be finished, then the Jews are
not going to continue believing that they are still chosen people.
Yes, they were
chosen people. They did
have the greatest king ever, David, and all those promises that God
gave to them, until the
Shiloh came. When the
Shiloh came, that Kingdom
was taken away from them and given to another nation.
If the Jews
understand that, then they will not continue being in this
misunderstanding that they are still the chosen people.
If they realize that, they will relent to Christianity and
accept Christians as legitimate based on the Revelation of a
Messiah. Christ came and
brought it to them.
Christians will
realize that Prophet Muhammad had to come.
Moslems have to realize that God promised Seven Revelations,
not Four Revelations, therefore Bahaullah, Bab, Baba, and Maitreya had to come before the last Revelation had come to
But we have to
explain it in such a logical way that God did it.
God said He was going to seal the vision of the end time and
no one would know it until this Revelation.
You know more than
the Moslems, Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians about the Plan of
God, more than anyone else on earth.
You can logically explain to them how God promised these
things, and they have to forego their own dogmas and understandings,
and come to understand the Revelation and the Word of God.
If you can do that,
if they have been called to understand logically and see the vision
that God has been revealing to humanity to this point, then you have
a great opportunity to bring them forward to understanding Gods
Will, Revelation, and Plan.
So you have all the tools you need to reach to them and
logically explain, because our words, our Revelation, our teaching
is based on the Words of God.
It is based on the Scriptures.
It is not a New Age
idea. It is not a
man-made understanding. It is what God said He is going to do.
For the last 12,000
years humanity was in this process to come to this point, and this
is the point that now man can see, what did God mean by changing the
name of Abram to Abraham?
What did He mean by promising the birthright and the Scepter?
How are these things fulfilled to this point?
If God promised and
fulfilled them, therefore God exists, that is what He meant, and
there will be other Prophets after Christ.
Christ was the Messiah that was promised to the Jews, and the
Jews are just two tribes of the Children of Israel.
There are the ten
tribes of the Children of Israel that have been lost, apparently.
But now we know where they are.
All things are clearly explained to humanity now.
If they want the truth, this is it.
That is how God promised, that is how God said He was going
to do it, and that is how God has done it.
So again you are
called to see this Vision yourself first, to see how it is clear.
It is so crystal clear, and it explains the Mystery of God.
The only thing left for us is to forego our own
understandings, our own fears, attachments, and the things that are
holding us back to give this fantastic clarity and Revelation to
man, and guide them little by little not to be affected with them,
but to become so strong in our own vision and see this truth so
clearly that we can convey it to others.
If we can do that,
then the Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, and everyone
out there can see that, yes, they are a part of a greater truth.
What they believe has some truth in it but they also have a
lot of dogmas, misunderstandings, and human understandings because
they have been following one-seventh of the Vision.
They did not have
the whole Vision; that is why they made mistakes.
That is why they created all these dogmas and human
understandings, and they thought they have it, but they cannot.
God said no one has it.
It is a Mystery.
It is absolutely not clear for anyone until this Revelation comes.
Now it is very
clear. It is crystal
clear what God has been doing, who He promised, who He brought as
the Major Manifestation or fulfillment of those promises, and He
prophesied for a long time before such a people came.
All of them had a part of the truth.
Now we have the whole truth.
That is why this is the only Revelation; it is the only truth
that is for the whole of humanity.
I even did not
bring this to where I was born.
I was brought here from the opposite part of the world, and
then it was given to me. But clearly it is not for Persians.
It is for the whole of humanity, and now humans have to
understand it.
So we have to
clearly see the vision ourselves, and then educate them.
Let them know how God promised, and now it is fulfilled.
They could not and cannot have the truth because God said it
is going to be a Mystery.
Even the Great
Prophets had visions that they were instructed not to reveal to
humanity completely. So
this is everyones opportunity now to guide humanity in a greater
degree to overcome their concepts.
Then if a Moslem and a Christian, your friends, see this
vision clearly, they are brothers and sisters.
They are no different.
have the Essence of God in them.
The same Essence, which is in that Christian, is in that
Moslem. There is no
separation between them.
If they separate
themselves, it is their own misunderstanding.
They have not seen this vision clearly, and they did not
realize that God is everything and the Essence of God is every man
and woman. Therefore how
can I separate myself as a Jew, Christian, Buddhist, or Hindu?
If you see the
vision, you cannot say, us and them.
You can say, Poor ego, cannot see such a clear truth.
The only thing is
to give them the Message clearly, pray for them if you want, maybe
it is OK to pray for some people; maybe they need it.
If you find someone is falling and they need some help that
they cannot see their way clearly, probably you can pray for them
that God helps them and they can see their way clearly to the Light.
Eventually if you feel that such a person is not turning
around, not seeing the vision, go to another person, go to another
opportunity, and reach out to new sources.
We are looking for
the Elects. They should
see this Vision very clearly.
People come to our room and leave.
People hear the Message, and they do not understand it.
They do not realize it.
Well, they are not
the Elects. It is all
right. It is OK.
We are here to sunder.
This is the sundering time.
It is not the time for spending too much time on something
that is not working. It is
time to work with the people that they see the Vision.
That is exactly
what happened to the people who came to this
They saw the Vision.
It hit them like a brick, Yes, I knew how the religions of
the world have to have something in common.
There has to be some common thread in them.
When it is explained to them how God sent these things
separately, and they see it and read THOTH, it makes
sense. It makes a lot of
sense, and it is based on the Words of God and explains Gods Plan.
If it had not made
sense, I was the first person who would have dropped it a long time
ago. It makes sense.
It is exactly how the history happened.
How can you say
Moslems are not from God, when there are one billion people
following it? There is
nothing that happens on this earth that is not accepted or God has
not approved it. It
cannot happen. If that
is true, then whatever has happened, occurred with Gods Knowledge
and Understanding, and therefore it is from God.
These things they
have to understand. They
have to stop blaming each other.
They have to stop saying, Oh yeah, we know the truth, when
they clearly cannot know the truth until this Revelation comes.
So you have work to
do, all of you. But first you
have to see the vision yourself.
You have to stop relying on your own understanding but on
Gods Revelation, and how He has clearly sent it to you now.
You have to eventually see this so clearly that you can
explain it to other people.
If you are still
not seeing the Vision clearly or you are attached to the external
world, or you do not want to give 100% to God, then of course you
will have a problem. You
will have a lot of mind, reasons, and excuses not to do it.
That is exactly
what happened to Adam and Eve.
Eve said, Well, it makes me knowledgeable and good.
She rationalized that she was right.
Humans can do that
very easily. The human
is the master of rationalization.
So do not rationalize.
Do not rely on your own understanding.
Know God means what He says, and He says what He means.
He means 100% in everything He says.
Now they have the
opportunity to help Jews, Christians, Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists,
etc., to realize that they are a part of a greater truth and
bringing them to this Vision and realization that they have to come
together. They have no
But they do not
have to. However, if
they do not come to these realizations and if they resist it, the
more they resist it, the more destruction and tribulation will come.
It is really human choice.
It is the free will.
As I said, if
everyone accepts this Revelation tonight, if all the leaders and the
people on earth accept this Revelation and come together to create
the Communities of Light and realize this, we will have peace
tomorrow. There will not
be any tribulation. But
if they resist it, there will be tribulation, there will be
destruction, there will be separation, there will be ego, and there
will be all those things that we see on earth.
The first thing is,
they have to see this vision.
Go ahead, Openeye.
At the time of anyones death, is it a gift to see the spirit
leave the body, going up?
The reason I brought that up is in Christianity when they
emphasized when
Christ died, when He went up to heaven, they emphasized his physical
body too much rather than the spiritual. The apostles, did they
really have the gift to see the unseen, and they saw him go up?
Did anyone understand that particular verse, what they saw
was a spirit going up, as the two angels that said, Why are you
staring up in the sky? The
same way He went up, He is going to come back down, which is not the
physical like Christianity believes that He will come back from the
sky in the physical sense.
But the apostles saw it with their spiritual eyes.
He came back again, like everyone else, no different.
Can you expand on that?
Why did it happen that the apostles did see that with their
spiritual eyes? Thanks.
As we
know, even now they know that there is an aura that they can
photograph, that there is a part of the human that they did not know
exists. Now they can
even take a picture of it and say, This is the aura, that you can
take a picture of.
So there are things that the regular human eye cannot see.
But if you train yourself, you would be able to see those
things, and many people are saying that they can see the auras of
the people and the different colors, and each color can represent if
they are sick, if they are OK, if they are healthy, or if they are
angry, etc. Their moods
show the different colors of the auras around them.
It goes very well with our teachings that the human had the ability
and that their third eyes were open before the flood of Noah.
As they fell more and more, those abilities was taken away
from them to a point that now we are absolutely gross.
We have reached a point that we do not have those abilities
at all. When someone has
them, it seems miraculous to us.
But in truth it is the birthright of every man, woman, and
child to have those abilities.
At the time of Christ, it seems those abilities were released to
humanity in a greater degree.
Saying that, also you have to realize that Christ ministered
His teachings or came to humanity for only 3.5 years.
He reached a very specific number of people, and His teaching
was spread by other people, disciples, or those who even claimed to
be disciples or having visions.
Eventually when it came to the Rome, it was accepted by Rome but
many other teachings in Rome influenced it, and eventually it was
made to a revelation or teaching that was so different than the
Eastern understanding of Christs teaching that there was a split
between Western Christianity and Eastern Orthodox.
Eventually it reached a point that it could not be reconciled
anymore. So it became
two great branches of East and West.
So you can see that Christianity has been influenced with a lot of
forces, understandings, and the things that happened after Christ.
Of course it did not matter that much because the whole
reason of salvation through His teaching was Grace.
So the Christians were really saved by The Grace that Christ
released to humanity to this point.
At this point that this Revelation has come, all the previous
Promises and Revelations are finished.
It is every one is equal again in the Eye of God, and every
man and woman has to follow the Eternal Divine Path in order
to receive The Grace.
The Grace is there all the time but it is released to the whole of
humanity, and they will receive it.
Therefore if by understanding this truth, you can say that
maybe some of those things that are accepted in Christianity might
have come from other religions or understandings, or even might have
been exaggerated.
But those abilities are not something that we do not accept and we
say did not exist because human had that relationship with the
Spirit before the Flood of Noah, and they misused it and abused it.
That is why the third eye was closed.
With understanding these two points then it is easy to accept that
such powers exist. Actually they are called siddhis.
In Sanskrit siddhis means spiritual powers.
If you read the book by Yogananda, he talks about a lot of
yogis with these siddhis and powers.
For example, there was a yogi who did not eat anything but
flowers. He smelled like
a flower, and everyone went to stay around him because he smelled so
good, or many other siddhis that he presented in his book.
Even those have to be taken with a grain of salt.
Have you ever seen a yogi that smells like a flower?
Or eats only flowers?
If you have not seen it, it is just a story you have been
told, and you might say, Oh yes, that sounds good.
But as long as you have not seen it, it is not something in
your experience or your category of experiences.
If you ever saw a yogi who does that, then you can say, Yes,
I saw it myself with my own two eyes.
So the most important thing is if you have not experienced it, it is
just someone elses experience.
If you have experienced it, then it is your experience.
Still you cannot force it on other people.
Every person, every man, and every woman has to experience the
things for themselves. As long as you have not experienced it, it does not matter that
So I hope that answered your question.
But in general, the most important thing is to understand
Gods Plan, Gods Revelation, and how to bring the
Kingdom of
God on earth, and realize that we should
not accept anyones experience as our own.
If they experience something, great.
Good for them.
But if you have not experienced it, just follow Gods Words,
meditate, awaken your spiritual forces, and eventually you might
experience some of those things.
Maybe in a hundred or two hundred years we will have yogis
everywhere, and they will smell like flowers and beautiful.
Actually if you meditate a long time, you will reach a point
that you will experience nectar, which will make your body smell
All right, I am glad that, that answered your question.
Here in this
Mission we are very
practical people. We do
not just read and accept everything.
We accept only the things that we experience.
OK, if there is any question, go ahead and raise your hand, and we
will continue with the questions.
If there are not, then you already all know about the
teaching, the Revelation, the opening of the Seven Seals, and that
this is indeed the Revelation that God promised will come at the end
We are at the end time.
We have to realize, this is a serious Revelation.
It is a serious Calling to you and humanity.
We need to spread this out, to reach as many humans as fast
as possible, and bring them, to turn them around.
Because the way they are going is the way of destruction, the
way of tribulation, the way of lots of bad things that really our
intellect and our egos do not like to see happen.
Seeing people are killed, wars, destruction, Who knows, maybe part
of the earth will fall into the ocean, and millions of people will
be destroyed.
there be more after you Maitreya?
I have seen people with a third eye.
Does this mean anything?
In this lifetime we have come as the thief of the night.
We will reach few people.
As we believe in reincarnation and as God said, The first
will be the last, and the last will be the first, therefore if you
believe this Revelation and this Spirit was the first to reach Pure
Consciousness, then It also will be the last who will return back to
Pure Consciousness.
Therefore I will be around for a long time giving this Revelation
and this teaching to humanity over and over again.
It sounds like this lifetime is to bring this Revelation to
those who have been called for it.
Eventually they will be instructed how to find me in the next
lifetime and install me to continue this
Mission in a
greater degree that lifetime and the lifetime after.
Eventually, of course, the
God will
come on earth because God said it will come.
Whenever God says something will happen, it will.
It is His Will.
It is His Plan to see the
God come to
earth; therefore it will.
Now will it come in this lifetime?
Again it depends upon you all and humanity, how fast you can
reach, preach, extend this teaching to them, and how fast they will
see the vision and come together as one humanity, under one God,
under one religion, and the Revelation.
Therefore it depends upon a lot of ifs and circumstances.
But if it does not happen in this lifetime, I surely will come back
next lifetime, and we will all be here again together with more
people who will see this Vision in a greater degree and our numbers
will increase to a point that eventually the critical mass will be
created. When that point
is reached, the whole society and earth will flip to understand that
God has been behind this Revelation to this point.
At this time as you can see, few of you are here, and many people
hear it and they do not see it.
They have dogmas.
They have their own understandings, and they cannot see the Word of
God clearly.
That is our job, to make them see clearly that God has sent these
Revelations and guide them to see the Vision.
The more we can make them to see the Vision, the more our
numbers will be. And the
number is the Hand of God.
The greater the number of people, the more power we will have
in our
and our vision.
But I will come back again and again until this
Mission will be manifested and
established on earth. Eventually when the hierarchy on earth will manifest from the
Communities of Light, I do not have to come back in the next
incarnation and be reinstalled to continue this
Mission because the leaders will be emerging from
the communities, from the bottom of the community to the top, and
they will continue the
But if your
question is, if there will be other Prophets or Major
Manifestations, the answer is that there will not be a Major
Manifestation for a thousand years.
But there might be Prophets or teachers who will come,
explain this teaching in a greater degree, or if a part of it was
lost, to bring it back, and all that.
But there is not going to be a greater Revelation as it is
revealed now to humanity.
Go ahead, Openeye.
Yes, one question.
As you were saying about The Plan and the
the world to become united under one world religion and all that, as
there are as many as we have in the room and our numbers will
increase in the course of time.
My question is your plan has been the MAP to unite the
world as one, however, after you depart, if the secular world takes
upon themselves the MAP and implements it, but not 100% as
you say, would that be still in your eyes be acceptable even if it
is not 100%?
I cannot see it happening any other way, unless you have an
example you wanted to tell me what you mean if it is accepted but
not exactly the way it is presented.
I do not see any other way for humanity to be unified or
united but to see this vision and accept this Revelation, create Communities of Light, and create the Hierarchy based on the
Communities of Light.
Go ahead.
The other question, the reason why I ask, is that in the past
I read an article through the Bahai Faith, before I met the Mission, and one of the readings of them was
as long as we do unite as one, they say as long as that is
achieved, in a sense we will all become as one, gather together as
one faith and all that. Would that be successful?
They also prophesied coming together as one family, they say
as long as that is successful then we will work on it later on in
the future.
Well, actually the Bahai Faith is the faith that is
finished. It is a
Revelation that came, they have had a lot of problems every time
that their leaders died, and there was upheaval.
The last Guardian, Shoghi Effendi, some people claim that even he
was killed, murdered. Bahaullah and Abdul Baha very clearly said that their religion is
finished when there is no Guardian in it.
And God said it is not a perfect Revelation.
That is the only Revelation that God said is not perfect.
Therefore we can see that the Bahais have a lot of problems.
They have good ideas, but they eventually have completely
changed the original teachings of their original Revealer, Bab, and
now they give you a lot of very fuzzy ideas.
But their ideas will not manifest because it is not the whole Plan.
They do not include the Mystical Paths at all, just like
Jews, Christians, and Moslems do not.
They do not have any Mystical Part in their orthodox
Therefore it is not perfect.
It is not a perfect revelation or religion.
How can something, which is not perfect, bring a perfect
system? So I doubt that
they will be able to manifest the things that they claim they will
because it is not Gods Will.
God did not say they are going to bring the
Heaven On Earth.
He said it will come after the Revelation of the Seven Seals and the
Seventh Angel, and they were the Fifth.
So all the indications tell me clearly that they will not be
able to do it; they will not because it is not Gods Will.
Will I accept something that is not completely according to our
teachings? As we said,
this teaching is very flexible.
At the same time it has to be something that is based on
Gods Will, Revelation, and Plan.
Therefore it has to be very close to what has already been
revealed to humanity.
For sure it has to be based on the
Communities of Light.
It has to be based on the Eternal Divine Path.
Those communities have to be based on the Eternal Divine
Path. As we create
more communities, we will eventually have the hierarchy come from
these communities and create the system.
Because it is from the Communities of Light, it is
from the community, it is from the people, it is because they choose
their leaders, so it is by the people.
And because they are good people who are chosen by the
communities, it is for people.
So that vision actually will be fulfilled through the
Communities of Light based on the Eternal Divine Path.
Those fundamental Revelations that have come through this
have to be there. You
cannot have a community and say it is Community of Light if
it does not follow the Eternal Divine Path, because the only
way a community can be a Community of Light is if it is based
on the Eternal Divine Path.
If the people in the community do not meditate, do not awaken their
spiritual forces, do not recognize, realize, and progress, then they
are not following the First Seal.
If they are not dedicating themselves to the community and
helping the community to progress, it is not the Eternal Divine
If they are not sacrificing in the community, it is not the
Eternal Divine Path.
If they are not surrendering, submitting, and accepting their places
in the community and following the Will of God for them, it is not a
Community of Light.
See, all those things have to happen one after another that
they understand this teaching and follow it, then create the Communities of Light.
Then the hierarchy will come from the community.
Then if there is some flexibility after that, that is fine.
It is their decision.
If it is the decision of each community, the community might
become a community of artists.
There are artists in that community.
The only thing they do is they work on art, and they help
each other and progress.
One community might become a community based on preaching the Word
of God, and all become a center for reaching out to humanity.
So we can see there is much flexibility after that absolute
principle is followed. That absolute principle is the following of the
Eternal Divine
Do the Bahais follow the
Eternal Divine Path?
Do they meditate?
they work on the community?
Do they sacrifice?
Do they surrender and submit to God, and become a
universalist? Then they
are the Elects, and then they should come, join us, and create the
Communities of Light and the
Heaven On Earth.
But the Bahai Teaching, Bahais Revelation is the only
revelation God clearly said, It is not perfect.
So something that is not perfect cannot bring a perfect
Also they have had a lot of problems all through their history with
their leaders. Now it is
split into seven branches.
There are already, after 200, 300 years, seven branches in
that religion. So we can
see that religion is done with, and God is now bringing this
Revelation to replace all of them.
Actually all the religions are done with after this Revelation.
They have been around just to keep them in the mind of
humanity so when this Revelation comes, all of them are on earth,
and we can explain to them what they are.
So if those basic principles are followed, the rest is very
flexible. Actually the
Mission is very flexible.
If you follow those principles and put your community based on those
absolute truths, then after that it depends on each community, each
person in the community on earth in general, how flexible they can
be, as long as it is based on the Word of God and Gods Laws.
You cannot break Gods Laws and the Universal Laws, the Daharmas.
If you do not break those Laws, you will have a Godly
do not know if that answers your question but if you are saying that
Bahai is going to bring this on earth, I promise you they will not.
They cannot because God said they will not.
It is not based on their Revelation.
So that is another thing they have to realize too.
That is another message you can give to the Bahais that,
Look, God did not say that the Fifth Revealer will bring the
God on
earth. It said, after
the Seventh Angel. Neither Bahai nor any other Prophet ever claimed they are the
Seventh Angel and opened the Book sealed with the Seven Seals.
So the only place that you can be sure that God is with that
Revealer or Revelation is this Revelation.
They have to accept it and relent again their understanding
to Gods Words.
hope that answered your questions. If
there is any other question, we are almost at the end of our time.
Again see this Vision and Revelation, and see how you can
help other people to see this Vision in a clearer way.
Bring the Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Moslems, and Bahais
all to see this Vision. Eventually they should let go of their own understandings and see
the Word of God.
So should we.
All of us
should look and understand the Word of God that has come to humanity
and now is on earth. We
should see it clearly, relent, and let go of our own understandings,
fears, and attachments, and become a channel, and a pure channel of
God for humanity to understand this teaching and become proficient
of seeing this Vision and explaining it to other people.
Let them release their dogmas, misunderstandings, and the
problems that they have on earth.
The sooner we can do that, the greater we will be able to bring the
Kingdom of
on earth. The more we
are attached to our own little lives, fears, and desires, the more
we will have excuses not to do it.
Even that might take us away from Gods last Revelation, and
we might not become an Elect and be in His Kingdom as one of the
Chosen Ones.
Therefore meditate on these words, again on this Revelation.
Go to our website.
Relent and let go of your understanding, and let Gods Words
become your bread, your wine, and your life 100%.
Again God says what He means, and He means what He says 100%.
Therefore take it to your heart, take it to your life, and be
one of those who will bring His Kingdom on earth.
will release all of you to God.
Have a good Godly week, and maybe we will see you again next