January/February 2012 Newsbrief → Reports

Reports from Light Bearers


Project manager,
Paravipra Training Centers

Sal-Om MOM,

One major news from Turkey is that the Beyondmind centers in Izmir and Sakarya are now closed. This sudden change happened because of a stream of realizations that made it clear the best way to help find the Elects is not through business-oriented centers. There were some conflicts between the desired purpose of these centers and the way they had been established, run, and stayed active (and/or the way they should have been run in order to stay active and continue to exist). This became very clear as the need for finances to keep these centers open put us in situations that forced me to go to the root of the problems in order to resolve this conflict.

As a result, our endeavors in helping to spread the Mission and find Elects will be reorganized and purified. The other center in Kocaeli probably will also be closed by spring and the company will be dissolved. However, reaching out in this part of the world will continue online through websites, blogs, videos, etc. Our apartment in Izmir can be considered as a contact point for those who show interest in the Mission, Maitreya and His Teachings.

These changes do not and will not change Niama's and my commitment/love to follow the Mission and EDP and purify ourselves and be tools for God. In fact, I believe every difficulty we face and overcome makes us stronger and more compassionate and understanding. So therefore all thanks to God for all His Support and Guidance.

Over the past couple months the Turkish translations of the Mission Teachings site got about 150 visitors who spend on average 4 minutes on the site. Most of the visitors were from Turkey, but there were also visitors from other European and Middle Eastern countries. One person contacted me via email asking about the whereabouts of Maitreya and also helped us realize that the contact page in the site does not work properly. So as the contact page is now corrected, we might get more emails from people who are visiting the site.

This is all for now.
