Reports from Light Bearers

US, Florida, South, Fort Lauderdale

Project manager:
Meditation and Social Networking

Sal-Om all,

Thanks God for the opportunity to share again. April and May are months of re-discovery in many ways since springtime is a time of renewal. Sometimes there are so many things that pull at us that we get caught up in unnecessary activities that take our time and energy. It is important that we uncover more of the Spirit-filled activities that can help keep us grounded in the work for the Mission of Maitreya. When we go inside that sphere of Mission teachings, we will find our time is more valuable and effective, not only in our own lives but in the lives of those who are participating in the same.

For example, reading from THOTH each morning for 30 minutes is a true blessing and wonderful way to start the day. Not only are we reminding ourselves of these teachings, the truth of them is going into our bodies and minds and the essence of the teachings settle into our souls. No matter how many times the teachings have been heard, it is like wisdom being renewed in our hearts and minds. So, as in springtime, the teachings of Maitreya renew themselves in us each time we participate and share with others from the well of His Grace.


Recently, I opened another Paltalk room called "Meditation Discussions." I originally opened it so that anyone from the Mission could come into the room and share and discuss with others about meditation and the Mission. It has been more of an open forum. So far, it has proven to be well-received. There were many people coming into the room the first week and lots of discussion and sharing about meditation and of the Universal Mantra. Keyosha and I have worked together with text and mic so that we have been able to share together, which also makes it very nice. There are other times when we may be alone and sharing with others.

We have both given the Universal Mantra Meditation process in the room to those who are wanting to participate. We also give the information about the "All Religions Unified by Maitreya" room, as well as the Mission website. If anyone else wants to participate, just email me ( and we can discuss the information for admins.

The live meditation classes on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 7 PM MDT are still ongoing in Paltalk in the "All Religions Unified by Maitreya" room. I will also soon be scheduling the first group meditation at my home, by invitation only. I hope to have a room donated in the next month so that I may continue with public awareness classes for meditation.

Social Networking:

Social networking is so wide and varied that whereever one decides to go and share the Mission, it is great. I have been able to return to Care2 for some more posting recently, and still keep up mostly with Paltalk and Twitter and also Google. I believe that it is not necessary for us to go into all of the social networking sites, as there are so many, but those of us who are spending time with these networks can share which ones they like and use.

I am, of course, a huge fan of Paltalk, because of its interactions and networking with so many, and also Twitter. In Twitter, even though one has to keep it short, we can share the URLs for the teachings, and sometimes the one liners are attention it may be short and sweet posting, but again, lots of interaction and many people visiting. If anyone has any questions or offerings they would like to share about their social networking, or about meditation classes (online or personal), I would love to hear from them (

I pray for everyone to come into the circle of sharing this Mission and its Godly teachings. And again, all thanks to Maitreya-Ji and those at the Center for their devotion and continued outpouring of themselves completely for the love of God and His Son. We are truly blessed.

I highly recommend checking out the website and blog that Unus has created showing the incredible BeyondMind centers that he has developed using the tools and teachings from the Mission. He has expanded quickly and hopefully one day will expand to the United States. We can join in one another's blogs and support one another in these endeavors as well.

I see Maverick John Viator, Ananda Ma, Noor, and Keyosha sharing often on Facebook. Also check out the Cause listing for the Mission, Support the unification of all religions and the world, and make a donation on that site of $10 to help raise awareness. So there are so many ways to be effective in sharing the teachings. There is always something NEW happening. All thanks To God!


I recently became a shared owner of a small parcel of land in a community garden nearby. I will represent on behalf of the Mission of Maitreya. We planted lettuce, tomatoes, orange and red peppers, dill, oregano, strawberries and "catnip" :-) so far. Since it is our first garden venture, we are experimenting and learning. We also sprinkled sunflower and some other assorted flower seedlings around the edges. So far they are sprouting new and beautiful leaves.

During Passover we shared with Athena and Hephaestus and their son, Matthew, in our home. It was a wonderful Passover service and so nice to share with community-minded fellowship. The service was exceptionally beautiful and holy.
