Reports from Contacts
New York
August/September 2010
Since the last contact report, have become a member of a few more social networks: Google and Facebook.
This was a 2-post month, as posted about Maitreya being live in PalTalk during the Feast of Tabernacles to answer questions about the new Revelation he brings from God to humanity, and also posted Maitreya's articles for July and for August and/or links to the July and August Newsbriefs. Postings were done on these social network groups:
Alliance for a New Humanity
Manifest Station
Also on Care2 sent an introduction to a person whose recipe for Raw Blueberry Cream Pie we found most delicious inviting her to visit our website. Gave her the link to our recipe website as well. She responded with a 'thank you'.
On Twitter, posted a link to the Letter to Humanity.
Always carry and distribute Mission cards with our website link when there is an interest in the Mission or in response to any question about the Mission. It is so wonderful how God uses us as instruments to bring His New Revelation. This month a question came during a visit to a dental office, and another question came from an ultrasound tech at a local hospital. ATTG!
The IM's continue to new Paltalk guests with the link to our most recent Newsbrief (250 since the last report), and this month also let them know that Maitreya will be live in All Religions Unified for 3 question/answer sessions during the Feast of Tabernacles in September and gave the link to the Feast schedule.
Also placed the announcement of Maitreya's live sessions on the header of all 4 of our Paltalk rooms, and wrote a forum message in the membership area of each of our rooms (accessible by clicking the blue name at the top of each room).
That is it for this month. See you all at the Feast of Tabernacles!!!
Ananda Ma
Note: We encourage everyone to send in their monthly reports to the Mission to be added to report pages! The deadline is the 5th of each month. The Newsbrief is sent out the 10th of each month. Send your reports to: