Reports from Contacts
New York
June/July 2010
The link to our June Newsbrief was posted on the Alliance social network.
Joined two more social networks this month at Tahirah's invitation: Care2 and Manifest-Station. On Care2 posted a quote from Let's Unify Humanity.
Received a number of e-mails, mostly newsletters and petitions, from Care2 members, and am in the process of finding these members on Care2 and sharing the Mission teachings with them.
The link to our June Newsbrief has been IMed to over 100 new Paltalk guests. And those who spent time in the Universal Mantra Meditation room this month were invited to our live meditation classes: Monday and Wednesday from 7 - 7:30 PM MST.
Ananda Ma
Note: We encourage everyone to send in their monthly reports to the Mission to be added to report pages! The deadline is the 5th of each month. The Newsbrief is usually sent out the 10th of each month. Send your reports to: