Reports from Light Bearers


Sal-Om MOM,

All the Turkish translations are now being checked and corrected, all thanks to God. We save these files as Word documents too, in order to have another backup of the Turkish website.

I spent most of my time this month preparing instructor training programs which will train people with necessary qualifications to become Beyondmind instructors. It is not quite finished yet, but the outlines are prepared. The Beyondmind centers will hopefully eventually become training grounds to create the Elects.

All thanks to God, Radah accepted to switch morning reading days with me to allow me to travel on the weekends for work. Since then, I have been reading on Fridays in Paltalk and traveling on the weekends. During these trips, by just observing the environment, people, and their situations, it is clear as day that humanity is going through some tribulation physically, mentally, and spiritually, and at the same time God is preparing the way for the new. It is just amazing to see FINE everywhere. The Mission surely is the salvation of all, and yet humanity needs a catalyzer to quicken the process of realizing this undeniable fact. Hopefully the Paravipras will be the needed catalyzers. ATTG.


Note: We encourage everyone to send in their monthly reports to the Mission to be added to report pages! The deadline is the 5th of each month. The Newsbrief is usually sent out the 10th of each month. Send your reports to: