Reports from Contacts
New York
May/June 2010
IM'd with a Paltalk guest this month who asked if he could share our Newsbrief. Received an e-mail showing he had forwarded the Newsbrief to others.
Went to Florida this month to visit my son and his family. While on the airplane going to Florida, met two elderly women who are both now living in small towns in New Mexico. One was previously from New York and the other from Pennsylvania. The one from NY asked for our website URL and was given a Mission card.
While in Florida had the opportunity to talk to a number of people about the Mission and Maitreya (GIWH). One heard about the Mission for the first time, as the last time we were in touch was over 30 years ago.
It is always so wonderful to be part of a gathering that Tahirah sets up. There were 6 of us for a luncheon and a time of doing the Universal Mantra Meditation together. Two had never done the Mission meditation before so we started from the beginning explaining the mantra and the pauses after the in breath and the out breath. Then we did the process and had a collective meditation. All were invited to join us for the Wednesday evening meditation classes on Paltalk and for the MOM meeting in June.
Ananda Ma
Note: We encourage everyone to send in their monthly reports to the Mission to be added to report pages! The deadline is the 5th of each month. The Newsbrief is usually sent out the 10th of each month. Send your reports to: