What Hopis
Believe and Say

In an email correspondence with our contact in British Columbia, he (Andrew) wrote: "I find that the Hopi talk a lot about the, 'three returns' at the 'four corners' (New Mexico) [the states of Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico meet at a single point known as the Four Corners]."

We were intrigued and asked him if he had some literature about this topic. He wrote back that he will start a project and use what he knows and what he finds to let the Mission know more about this.

We know that Hindus talk about the three reincarnations of the Kalki Avatar. If there are other religions also that have this Prophecy, that would be great.

Although God has given enough evidence that even the most skeptical person eventually has no choice but to see this is from God, still the more evidence the better.