Reports From Light Seekers (Members)

1. Sal-OM everyone,

Back to work again sending out Information on the Mission. ATTG

I am thankful and blessed to be submissive to God, and not attached to the result.

Sent the Letter To Humanity to 20 churches. The total sent to Austin area churches stands at 175.

  1. Hallmark Baptist 11. Grace Temple
  2. Cumberland Presbyterian 12. Horizon Baptist
  3. Gateway 13. Berkeley United Methodist
  4. Bethel Assembly Of God 14. CrossPointe
  5. Apostalic Christian Tabernacle 15. Dayspring Fellowship
  6. Christian Vineyard 16. The Cathedral Of Praise
  7. Hope Presbyterian 17. Bethany United Methodist
  8. Church Of Christ Scientist 18. Potter House Christian
  9. First Baptist 19. Kingdom Of God Christian Center
  10. Calvary South Austin 20. Grace Community
  • Sent the Letter To Humanity to the following Spiritual Groups:
  1. Star Quest
  2. Starchild
  3. The Archive Of The Universe
  4. The Circle Of Grace
  5. The Lightweaver
  6. The Peaceful Planet
  7. Uriel Heals
  • Sent The Letter To Humanity to the following Religious Groups:
  1. Austin Wellness
  2. Austin Celtic Association
  3. The Awakening
  4. Austin Love Ministry
  5. Southwest Family Fellowship
  6. Austin Christian Fellowship
  7. Shoreline Christian Center

One God One Savior One World One Humanity

As we approach the coming of the new year 2010, Time is
accelerating so quickly, it seems that days and nights are
meshing together. What a short time remains for humanity to
come out of their state of Ignorance. I Pray and meditate
daily that God will flow Goodwill and Higher thoughts through
me to All humanity, my Brothers and Sisters. Below I have sent
out more Letters to Humanity. May God's Will be done and all
Glory given to Him. May someone open up to the Grace Of God.

Sent Letter to Humanity to the following Churches. Count total 195

  1. New Life Evangelistic Center 11. SouthWest Hills Community
  2. Peace Lutheran Church 12. Jubilee Christian Center
  3. St. Catherine Of Siena Catholic 13. Hope in the City
  4. Hill Country Bible Church(Persian) 14. Unitarian Universalist
  5. Hill Country Bible Church (NW) 15. Arise Christian Fellowship
  6. Crestview United Methodist 16. Glory House Christian Center
  7. All Nations Assembly Of God 17. Unity Center
  8. Horizon Worship Center 18. St Albert The Great
  9. El Buen Samaritano 19. Zion Congregation
  10. Iglesia Episcopal 20. North Hills Community

Sent Letter To Humanity to the following University Of Texas Student clubs and Organizations.

  1. Intervarsity (Christian Fellowship)
  2. Koinonia (Christian Fellowship)
  3. Life Advocates
  4. Arab Student Organization
  5. Christian Council
  6. Astronomy Students Association
  7. Christians On Campus

Sent Letter To Humanity To the Following University Of Texas

  1. Department Of Biomedical Engineering
  2. Department Of Chemical Engineering
  3. Department Of Psychology
  4. Department Of Middle Eastern Studies
  5. Department Of American Studies
  6. Department Of Chemistry And Biochemistry
  7. Department Of IC2 Institute

One World One Humanity One Savior One God

Maverick J. Viator (HOSH-REMINDER)

2. Samuel sent us a letter explaining what he is doing for the Mission and how he spends his life concentrating on God and the Mission. Since it was sent by regular land mail, we could not post the details here. He lives in Las Cruces, NM. He is the person who was very helpful in building the back room in the Mission for Maitreyii's mother to live in. Another person who helped with this project was Hosanna.

Light Seekers:

This section is for the members of the Mission (Light Seekers). If any member of the Mission is performing any outreach for the Mission, here is where they can send their monthly reports. We hope all members of the Mission perform some outreach for the Mission and let us know what they are doing by sending a report for this page.

Note: We encourage everyone to send in their monthly reports to the Mission to be added to report pages! The deadline is the 5th of each month. The Newsbrief is usually sent out the 10th of each month. Send your reports to: